
Tidak Ingin Papua Maju Membangun, KKB Putus Akses Jalan Trans Sugapa Titigi Intan Jaya

Jalan trans Papua

Intan Jaya – Komitmen membangun Tanah Papua benar-benar diwujudkan pada berbagai sektor dan bidang oleh Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah sampai pada tingkat Kampung. Mulai dari pembangunan infrastruktur jalan Trans Papua, pembangunan di areal perbatasan Negara berupa Pos Lintas Batas, pembangunan bidang ekonomi sosial budaya dan pendidikan serta bidang sektor lainnya.

Hal ini seiring juga dengan tingginya partisipasi masyarakat Papua dalam pembangunan yang menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Papua ingin hidup lebih maju dan sejahtera. Kondisi ini dapat dilihat dari data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pertumbuhan ekonomi Papua pada Triwulan III/2023 mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 8,28 persen…
Hindering Papua development, KKB cuts off access to the Trans Sugapa Titigi Intan Jaya road

The commitment to develop the Land of Papua is truly realized in various sectors and fields by the Central Government, Regional Government up to the village level. Starting from the construction of Trans Papua road infrastructure, development in the State border area in the form of Cross-Border Posts, development in the economic, socio-cultural and educational sectors as well as other sectors.

This is also in line with the high participation of the Papuan people in development, which shows that the Papuan people want to live a more advanced and prosperous life. This condition can be seen from data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Papua’s economic growth in Quarter III/2023 experienced growth of 8.28 percent, compared to the same period in the previous year. This condition is appreciated because Papua’s growth exceeds national growth.

However, it is very unfortunate, with such great and high enthusiasm for Papua to be more advanced and prosperous, it was hampered and injured by the behavior of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) who did not stop carrying out terror, burning schools and burning residents’ houses and other facilities, attacking and shooting. and killing civilians and security forces.

As happened today, Sunday (4/2/2024), information was obtained in the field that the KKB group had deliberately cut off access to the Trans Sugapa – Titigi Road in Intan Jaya Regency by digging 1.5 meters wide with a depth of around 2 meters. Precisely on Mbomogo Village Road, Intan Jaya.

This was conveyed by Head of Public Affairs (Kapendam) XVII/Cenderawasih Lt. Col. Inf Candra Kurniawan, S.E., M.M. in his statement, Monday (5/2).

“It is true that the KKB does not want Papua to progress in building the welfare of the Papuan people. As proven today, it has cut off the Trans Sugapa – Titigi road in Intan Jaya Regency. This action has gone too far, making access difficult and disrupting people’s daily activities,” explained Kapendam.

“Instead of helping the community, the KKB actually makes things difficult for the community. Instead of supporting the development of community welfare, it actually hinders development,” added Candra.

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